The List Editor allows you to update your Mailing List, or Email List. You can review, add, delete and update records.
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The List Editor allows you to update your Mailing List, or Email List. You can review, add, delete and update records.
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We have Help pages for each of the major functions, like Edit a List Record and Delete records. Check the Table of Contents. Below is an overview of all the controls.
The List Editor shows you 50 records from your Mailing or Email list on a page. It shows them to you in a table view, much like a spreadsheet.
Click on a Product in the NavBar for which you are taking Mailing Services or E-Delivery.
The Product NavBar, in this case Let's Talk Money, will expand and show you the Services submenu. Click on the Mailing List link.
New Record button - click to add a record to the list.
Delete Record button - works with the selection checkboxes. Select one or more records and click the Delete button.
Select All button. Selects all the records shown on the current page.
Sort buttons are shown for every column. Click on a column header to sort the list on that column. Click a second time to reverse-sort.
Columns are resizable. Hover your mouse between two columns headers and you'll see your mouse cursor change into a "resize" cursor. At that point, click and drag left and right to resize the column width.
Search for a record by typing into the Search field. The table will update live as you type. All displayed columns are searched, so you can search on a recipient's Name, and Address or a City.
Click on a Product in the NavBar for which you are taking Mailing Services or E-Delivery.
The Product NavBar, in this case Let's Talk Money, will expand and show you the Services submenu. Click on the MailingList link.
Your Mailing List will load on the main screen in a table view with columns for each field. By default, 50 records appear on the page.
Control how many records appear on the page by changing the Show Entries menu. The total number of records is shown just above the menu. You can display All your records on one page if you like. The Page Navigator (#10) allows you to navigate the pages.
The Version menu allows you to bulk-edit the Version assigned to multiple records at once.
The Sort By menu allows you to sort by any column, even hidden once. Click on a column twice to reverse-sort the table.
The Show/Hide Columns menu allows you to customize which columns appear in the table.
The Tools menu allows you to
Print Avery 5160 or 5162 size labels from your mailing list
Export your mailing list to a CSV (comma-separated values) file, which you can easily open in Excel or import into another database application.
Print out your mailing list in an optimized view.
The first time you view your list, you will need to approve it for production. We cannot go to production with your mailing list or email list without you verifying that the records are correctly setup, and that the record count is correct, and the data is accurate. To approve your list, after you've reviewed it, click the Approve button. Additionally, you will need to click the Approve button for National Change of Address use. This is a requirement of the United States Postal Service (USPS).
The Page Navigator allows you to go from page to page in your mailing list. The Pages are arranged according to the column you are sorting by. The number of Pages shown depends on how many records you selected in the Show Entries menu (#4)